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Armenìa : « Angano » mitantara fietsenana

Sokajy: Armenia, Hehy, Sakafo

Ny blaogy Dominic in Armenia izay mitatitra ny fiaimpiainana Mpiasa Antsitram-po hoan'ny Fandriampahalemana na Peace Corps Volunteer [PCV] dia mitantara « angano » vitsivitsy [1] izay nahazo azy tany am-pietsenana any Armenia :

« The lady at the store who tells you that the bread you asked for is actually not fresh and thus you’d be better served to try this or that loaf instead is great. »

« Ilay Ramatoa ao amin'ny fivarotana izay tsy rotitra manambara aminao fa tsy tsara loatra intsony tokoa ilay mofo saika novidianao ka aleo ianao manandrana ity na itsy, dia tena mahatsikaiky. »

Onnik Krikorian [2]